SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd at 3:00PM - 5:00PM
There is no better way to get to know the OC Dancing Ballroom family than attending our Open House. Meet some of our fabulous instructors, learn about the studio and its programs, see our students dance, play games, meet with Minions and take advantage of our special promotions.
Share the spirit of the Fall season, invite your friends and family!
We can’t wait to see you!
For more information please call: (949) 861-8444
RSVP to schedule@ocdancingballroom.com

with Karina Smirnoff and Elena Grinenko
April 28-29, 2018 at The Westin - San Jose, CA
If you are looking for a great competition and dance camp to attend DANCE STARS FESTIVAL 2018 in San Jose is your best choice. Professional lessons and excellent prices!
CONGRATULATIONS to OC Dancing dance team competing at DANCE STARS FESTIVAL 2018. Special Thanks to Karina Smirnoff and Elena Grinenko. Better then ever! Well Done!

JUNE 6-10,
Great Gatsby Gala Dance
Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa
& Marina- San Diego, CA
JULY 19-22
Virginia State Dancesport Championships
Hyatt Reston - Reston, VA
JULY 12-15
Desert Classic Dancesport Championships
JW Marriott - Palm Desert, CA
AUGUST 15-18
The NV Ball DanceSport Championships
The M Hotel Spa & Resort
Las Vegas, NV
Embassy Ballroom Championships
Hotel Irvine, Jamboree Road
Irvine, CA
April 4-10, 2018 at Winter Gardens -Blackpool, England
The Blackpool Dance Festival is the world's first and most famous annual ballroom dance competition of international significance, held in the Empress Ballroom at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool, England since 1920. It is also the largest ballroom competition: in 2013, 2953 couples from 60 countries took part in the festival.
It was an absolutely pleasure to see USA 🇺🇸 couples compete at Blackpool Junior Festival 2018🇬🇧, to cheer for friendly invitational team match there and meet new kids, teachers and parents from the other states! It was even more pleasure to witness an amazing success of USA🇺🇸, winning Juvenile Latin Championships this year 🏆!!!
Blackpool Junior festival 2018 came to an end and left behind an incredible feelings and emotions. Beautiful dancing, endless energy, magnificent support of coaches and parents there, powerful masculine dancing of boys and feminine dancing of girls, beautiful costumes and amazing hair styles, wins and failures, partnerships that were ready to fight to the end, friendships and competition organization were have covered cold and rainy England weather. We Iwant to congratulate OC DANCING's students Mark Tedesco and Kateryna Luzyanina 🇺🇸 with their first large International Competition. They have gained an incomparable experience and showed their best dancing ever! Mark and Kateryna Best result was 32nd place in Jive out 122 couples from around the world! OC Dancing Ballroom Studio is always proud of its students and we are all looking forward to an interesting year ahead! Thank you to the parents for giving kids such opportunities to learn, to become more confident and successful in their lives!🏆